Why Does My Horse Need Well Care?
These days it takes an entire team to care for your horse - i.e. your veterinarian, your farrier, perhaps a barn manager or trainer, the feed salesman and you. Equine Medical wants to be the team leader for the health care and wellness of your horse. Our wellness program offers you a variety of services at a reasonable price. You will no longer have to worry about your horse’s health care needs. Our office staff will contact you to set up the necessary appointments.
The cornerstone of our wellness program is the physical exam. During the physical exam, our doctor will thoroughly examine your horse’s mouth, eyes, ears, legs, heart, lungs, and evaluate intestinal motility. At this time we also evaluate nutrition, body condition, and environment. This is the time when you are able to express any concerns you may have and ask the doctor questions. We will then administer vaccinations and collect fecal samples.
Good quality dental care is also key to maintaining a healthy horse. Our wellness program will provide a dental prophylaxis, including sedation, in the fall.
We believe that well care can be a major deterrent to colic. So, as an added incentive, if your horse should require hospitalization for the treatment of colic, we will deduct 10% from the total bill if the horse has been hospitalized at our clinic. This will apply to both surgically and medically treated colics. Typically, the costs for hospitalization of a colic patient can range from $1000 to $8000. Enrollment of your horse in our wellness program could easily save you from $100-$800.
When your horse is enrolled in the wellness program, you have the peace of mind that you are providing your horse with exceptional health care. We believe that by emphasizing preventative health care, your horse will have a much greater opportunity to maintain good health and perform at its absolute best.
Why Does My Horse Need Well Care?
A solid client/patient/veterinarian relationship is developed. Our doctors get to know you and your horse before you may need emergency care.
You have the peace of mind that your horse is receiving the very best well care available.
Good preventative health care under the direction of an equine veterinarian significantly reduces the chances that your horse will require costly treatment for colic and other serious illnesses.
Our goal is to make preventative medicine accessible for all of our clients. By giving a discount on all services, our veterinarians will be able to work with the client to customize a health care plan for each individual horse, while the client saves money.